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Sferyx PDF Export Add-on for the HTML Editor Component and Applet Editions

Sferyx PDF Export Add-on is an additional plug-in component for the Sferyx JSyndrome HTML Editor products family both Component and Applet Editions. It allows to export and save the entire content of the HTML Editor as PDF file easily and seamlessly without any effort both from the user and programmer's point of view. If enabled, the PDF Export can be used both like an icon on the editor's toolbar or menu item and programmatically as a component for generation of custom PDF files from the HTMLEditor. If allows to be specified the page format, margins etc. and to save the PDF generated to a file or to a given

  • Support for all western Latin languages such as English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Swedish, Norwegian etc.
  • Support for Arabic, Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew, Farsi, and many other languages through character set UTF-8 encoding and separately Chinese language is also supported through ISO-10646-UCS-2 charset.
  • Automatic embedding of all TTF fonts contained inside the document when the UTF-8 encoding is used.
  • Add custom Page Headers, Page Footers and Page Numbers in the resulting PDF file.



Example usage

Enabling the PDF Export inside the HTMLEditor:


It will cause the PDF Export icons to appear on the toolbar and the File menu as can be seen from the pictures above and below, allowing immediate generation of PDF files directly from within the HTMLEditor.

  Embedding of all TTF files inside the document and support for all non western languages:



Further, you can specify Headers, Footer and Page numbers to be generated in the resulting PDF documents. To do this, you can use the following methods inside the HTMLEditor class:

public void setPrintFirstPageHeader(String header) - Allows to be specified the header for the first page to be shown on the Print preview,  when printing and in the PDFExport. You can set as a parameter any html formatted text and include the following parameter to display the number of each page like this:

htmlEditor.setPrintFirstPageHeader("<h1>This is the First Page Header</h1>");

This will produce a string like "This is the First Page Header" at the top of the page. You can set any HTML attributes and elements including images etc. to format the output as you need. For the rest of the pages please see setPrintHeader method

public void setPrintHeader(String header) - Allows to be specified the headers to be shown on the Print preview,  when printing and in the PDFExport. You can set as a parameter any html formatted text and include the following parameter to display the number of each page like this:

htmlEditor.setPrintHeader("<h1>This is a Page Header</h1>");

This will produce a string like "This is a Page Header" at the top of the page. You can set any HTML attributes and elements including images etc. to format the output as you need. If you need to set different header for the first page only, please see setPrintFirstPageHeader method

public void setPrintFooter(String footer) - Allows to be specified the footers to be shown on the Print preview,  when printing and in the PDFExport. You can set as a parameter any html formatted text and include the following parameter to display the number of each page like this:

htmlEditor.setPrintFooter("<h4>This is a Page Footer</h4>");

This will produce a string like This is the Page Footer at the bottom of the page. You can set any HTML attributes and elements including images etc. to format the output as you need..

public void setPrintPageNumber(String pageNumber) - Allows to be specified the page numbers to be shown on the Print preview,  when printing and in the PDFExport. You can set as a parameter any html formatted text and include the following parameter to display the number of each page like this:

htmlEditor.setPrintPageNumber("<h4 align=right>Page @#SferyxHTMLEditor-PageNumber#@</h4>");

This will produce a string like Page 1 at the right bottom corner of the page. You can set any HTML attributes and elements including images etc. to format the output as you need.

Available export methods for generating of PDF files programmatically:

 void export( exportStream, sferyx.administration.editors.HTMLEditor htmlEditor)
          Will export the entire content of the HTMLEditor as a PDF document to the given stream.
 void export( exportStream, sferyx.administration.editors.HTMLEditor htmlEditor, java.awt.print.PageFormat pageFormat_)
          Will export the entire content of the HTMLEditor as a PDF document to the given stream with a given PageFormat.

Sample code - quick generation of PDF files:

sferyx.administration.editors.pdfexport.PDFExportSystem pdfwriter=new sferyx.administration.editors.pdfexport.PDFExportSystem();

Once saved the pdf file, it can be also linked to the document for example by a hyperlink and after that it can be automatically uploaded through the built-in automatic upload feature of the HTMLEditor. The same is valid both for the Component and Applet Editions.


Enabling the PDF Export inside the HTMLEditor Applet Edition:

<PARAM NAME="enablePDFExport" VALUE="true|false"> -this parameter enables the PDFExport Add-on if available - it will allow the generation of PDF file from the document which can be saved and linked to the document as a hyperlink target for subsequent automatic upload if needed. It will cause the PDF Export icons to appear on the toolbar and the File menu as can be seen from the pictures above and below, allowing immediate generation of PDF files directly from within the HTMLEditor.