Sferyx JSyndrome HTML Editor Component Edition
General questions / System configurations
Demo version questions
For retrieving the
current state of embedding images you can use this method:
public boolean isEmbedAllImagesInsideTheDocument()
After that it is
sufficient to use getContent() or getBodyContent() to retrieve
the editor content as a String including all the images inside.
Otherwise you can consider also the uploading features described
below in in the section "How can I configure
multipart form uploads in order to publish content and files
through the editor?"
All linked files in the document such as images, objects,
hyperlink targets like pdf,doc etc. can be published easily in a
way absolutely transparent for the end user. These automatic
uploads can be configured easily through the built-in "save
remote" of the editor. the editor can publish content though
HTTP multipart form upload or WebDav. Back to top
The setUploadedObjectsTranslationPath method is needed in order to indicate how the uploaded images and objects paths should be translated by the editor in order to match the server path for correct display after upload.
public void
setEmbedAllImagesInsideTheDocument(boolean embed)
- if this is set to true, you can retrieve the document HTML and
all the images by simply using getContent()
or getBodyContent().
- returns whether the
embedding of images is enabled.
public String getFOXMLContent()
- Returns the entire content of the element as FO XML
public int getFOXMLContentLenght()
- Returns the length
of the FO XML content - it will include in the count also all
the FO XML markup
public String
getFOXMLContentPortion(int offset, int length)
- Returns portion of the FO XML
content - this should be used in environments where is
impossible the whole content at once due to some limitations
such as the case of Oracle Forms. This should be used in
conjunction with getFOXMLContentLength()
and make loop for retrieving all pieces.
These methods will return directly the converted content and
formatted as FO XML which is ready to be converted in PDF or RTF
using Apache FOP for example or the same in Oracle BI Publisher
Custom XML tags
Customization/Internationalization features
If you see some labels missing you simply can add the
translation in the language file respecting this simple rule:
Convert the text in English in lowercase and replace the
whitespaces with "_" . This way add new entry in the language
file with the correct translation.
Label "Find what" - should be added an entry like this:
find_what=your translation in your language
Also for the "Whole words only"
whole_words_only=your translation in your language
If you save your translation file in a specific encoding such as UTF-8 for example, you should insert the following key in the translation file:
Currently, translation files
are available in French, German, Spanish, Catalan, Italian,
Portuguese, Czech, Polish, Russian, Slovak, Swedish, Norwegian,
Turkish, Arabic and also other
languages. In case you need specific language, you may contact
us at support@sferyx.com
Each line contains all words for a given letter, for example the first line contains all the words beginning with A, the second with B etc.
All the words should be in lower case, note the initial and end delimiters. There shouldn't be any white spaces.
If you save your dictionary file in a specific encoding such as UTF-8 for example, you should specify the encoding using the following method before loading the dictionary:
Currently, dictionaries are available in English US, English UK, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Czech, Polish, Russian, Slovak, Swedish, Greek, Hungarian, Dutch and also other languages. In case you need specific dictionary, you may contact us at support@sferyx.com .
Content manipulation features
Close the buffer and insert it in the editor
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- this
method is used to retrieve the folder name where all linked
objects should be moved upon save. This is used in conjunction
with setSaveEntireDocumentTree(). This will cause all linked
objects to be moved in a relative to the document folder which
will contain all external objects - images, link targets etc.
- will save the entire document tree as specified in the methods
described above.
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<p readonly="true">
...some content
<div readonly="true">
...some content
<table readonly="true">
...some content
Note that the attribute readonly="true" should be specified in lowercase.
All page elements containing such an attribute will be treated as read-only and thus not editable.
Back to toppublic int getPreferredPasteOperation()
You can switch between the default operations as follows:
That means you can do the following:
or simply
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Now you can easily access all document and form elements in a javascript like manner.
Example on accessing form elements:
JavaScriptEmulatorEngine jsEngine=new JavaScriptEmulatorEngine(hTMLEditor1);
DocumentElement[] elements=jsEngine.getDocument().forms[0].elements;
for(int i=0;i<elements.length;i++)
System.out.println("------Element Start---------");
System.out.println("------Element End---------");
To access easily the attributes as Strings you can now use
element.getAttributes() or
Example on referencing the document elements by ID
JavaScriptEmulatorEngine jsEngine=new
System.out.println("------Element End---------");
Example on referencing the document elements by ID and adding Mouse listener to it.
JavaScriptEmulatorEngine jsEngine=new
System.out.println("Adding Mouse Listener to
Example on referencing the document elements by Tag Name
JavaScriptEmulatorEngine jsEngine=new
for(int i=0;i<elements.length;i++)
System.out.println("------Element Start---------");
System.out.println("------Element End---------");
@See ReferencingDocumentElements.java example for major details.
The methods for easy manipulation of the document's content using JavaScript-like String methods for referencing the document's elements and for accessing
the document's element attributes and styles:
public void setElementAttribute(Element element, String
attributeName, String value) - This method
is provided to facilitate the process of setting/adding of the element
attributes. This method will add/set the given attribute to the element. It will
first try to see if the attribute is a CSS attribute, after that if it is HTML
attribute and at the end will insert it as a string attribute
Element element=htmlEditor.getElementOfType("div",htmlEditor.getCaretPosition());
htmlEditor.setElementAttribute(element, "background-color", "red");
htmlEditor.setElementAttribute(element, "color", "yellow");
This method allows to
modify the element properties very easily and will work both
for the Visual Editor and the Preview section.
public String getElementAttribute(Element element,
String attributeName) - This method is
provided to facilitate the process of setting/adding of the elements attributes.
This method will add/set the given attribute to the element. It will first try to
see if the attribute is a CSS attribute, after that if it is HTML attribute and
at the end will insert it as a string attribute. The attribute names are like
background-color, color, width etc.
System.out.println(htmlEditor.getElementAttribute(element, "background-color"));
System.out.println(htmlEditor.getElementAttribute(element, "color"));
System.out.println(htmlEditor.getElementAttribute(element, "border"));
This method allows to retrieve the element properties very
easily and will work both for the Visual Editor and the
Preview section.
public String[] getElementAttributeNames(Element
element) - This method is intended to
provide easy access to the element's attributes names. It will return an array
String[] containing all attributes names like "background-color","color" etc..
String[] names=htmlEditor.getElementAttributeNames(element);
for(int i=0;i<names.length;i++)
System.out.println("Attribute Names:"+names[i]+"="+htmlEditor.getElementAttribute(element,names[i]));
This method allows to
retrieve all the element's properties very easily and will
work both for the Visual Editor and the Preview section.
public void removeElementAttribute(Element element, String attributeName) - This method is provided to facilitate the process of removing of the element attributes. This method will remove the given attribute from the element. It will first try to see if the attribute is a CSS attribute, after that if it is HTML attribute and at the end will remove it as a string attribute
public void setElementStyleAttribute(Element element, String value) - This method is provided to facilitate the process of setting/adding style attribute to the element.
public String getElementStyleAttribute(Element element)
- This method is provided to provide easy access to the element's STYLE
attribute. It will return a String like "background-color:yellow;color:red"
public Element getElementAtPosition(int position)
- This method will return the topmost element for the given position - you can
get the the position of the caret for example. This will work automatically for
the selected editor component - visual editor or preview. If the source editor
is selected will return null.
public Element[] getElementsAtPosition(int position)
- This method will return an array of all
elements at the specified document position. The elements are ordered from the
topmost to the bottommost box of the viewport - you can get the position of the
caret for example. This will work automatically for the selected editor
component - visual editor or preview. If the source editor is selected will
return null.
public Element getElementOfType(String tag, int pos)
- This method will return the element for the given tag if defined in the
element tree at the specified caret position in the selected visual editor or
the preview. It will return null if the source editor is selected. The method
will return null if the tag is not defined in he element tree of the given
public Element getBlockElement(int position)
- Returns the block element such as body, div, table cell etc. at the specified
position below the current paragraph element from the currently active visual
editor or the preview. If the source editor is currently selected will return
null. It will return null if there is no block element found at the specified
public String getElementTextContent(Element element)
- Returns the text content of the element as
public String getInnerHTML(Element element)
- Returns the content of the element as HTML
string without the tags of the element.
public String getOuterHTML(Element element)
- Returns the entire content of the element as HTML string including the tags of
the element.
public Element getElementAtPoint(int x, int y)
- This method will return the topmost
element for the given position - you can get the coordinates from the mouse
release event for example.
public Element[] getElementsAtPoint(int x, int y)
- This method will return an array of all
elements at the specified coordinates. The elements are ordered from the topmost
to the bottommost box of the viewport - you can get the coordinates from the
mouse release event for example.
public Element[] getElementsByTagName(String tag)
- Returns the elements by the specified tag name
from the currently active visual editor or the preview. If the source editor is
currently selected will return null.
public Element[] getElementsByClassName(String className)
- Returns the elements by the specified class
name from the currently active visual editor or the preview. If the source
editor is currently selected will return null.
public int getCaretPosition() - Returns the caret position of the currently active editor component like visual editor, source or preview.
public void setCaretPosition(int caretPos) - Sets the caret position of the currently active editor component like visual editor, source or preview.
public Element getElementById(String id) - Returns the element by the specified ID attribute from the currently active visual editor or the preview. If the source editor is currently selected will return null.
public void setInnerHTML(Element elem, String htmlContent) - Inserts the specified HTML string inside the given element - this method will replace the content of the element with the specified HTML string. This is not applicable to leaf elements.
public void setOuterHTML(Element elem, String htmlContent) - Inserts the specified HTML string in the place of the given element - this method will wrap the HTML string around the element and will replace it.
public void insertAfterEnd(Element elem,String htmlString) - Inserts the specified HTML string after the the end of the given element.
public void insertBeforeEnd(Element elem,String htmlString) - Inserts the specified HTML string before the the end of the given element. This is not applicable to leaf elements.
public void insertBeforeStart(Element elem,String htmlString) - Inserts the specified HTML string before the the start of the given element.
public void insertAfterStart(Element elem,String htmlString) - Inserts the specified HTML string after the the start of the given element. This is not applicable to leaf elements.
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Application integration features
setRemovedMenuItems("openLocationMenuItem, printFileMenuItem, closeFileMenuItem,...") - Indicates which menu items should be removed from the menus. This list contains comma separated names of the menu items contained within the editor to be removed. This allows the full customization of the dropdown menus inside the main menu. The full list is:
File Menu
newFileMenuItem - new file menu item on the "File" menu
openFileMenuItem - open file menu item on the "File" menu
openLocationMenuItem - open location menu item on the "File" menu
closeFileMenuItem - close file menu item on the "File" menu
saveFileMenuItem - save file menu item on the "File" menu
saveasFileMenuItem - save remote file menu item on the "File" menu
printFileMenuItem - print file menu item on the "File" menu
exitFileMenuItem - close file menu item on the "File" menusaveasDocxFileMenuItem - save as MS Word docx menu item on the "File" menu
saveasMailFileMenuItem - save as Outlook .eml e-mail file menu item on the "File" menu
openDocxFileMenuItem - open MS Word docx file menu item on the "File" menu
copyMenuItem -copy menu item on the "Edit" menu
cutMenuItem - cut menu item on the "Edit" menu
pasteMenuItem - paste menu item on the "Edit" menu
copyFormattedTextMenuItem - copy formatted text menu item on the "Edit" menu
pasteFormattedTextMenuItem- paste formatted text menu item on the "Edit" menu
selectAllMenuItem - select all menu item on the "Edit" menu
findMenuItem - find menu item on the "Edit" menu - professional version
replaceMenuItem - replace menu item on the "Edit" menu - professional version
insertBreakMenuItem - insert break menu item on the "Insert" menu
insertParagraphMenuItem - insert paragraph menu item on the "Insert" menu
insertSpaceMenuItem - insert space menu item on the "Insert" menu
horizontalLineMenuItem - insert horizontal line menu item on the "Insert" menu
insertDateMenuItem - insert date menu item on the "Insert" menu
insertSymbolMenuItem - insert symbol menu item on the "Insert" menu
insertFormFieldTextBoxMenuItem - insert text box menu item on the "Insert -> Form" menu
insertFormFieldTextAreaMenuItem - insert text area menu item on the "Insert -> Form" menu
insertFormFieldCheckBoxMenuItem - insert check box menu item on the "Insert -> Form" menu
insertFormFieldRadioButtonMenuItem - insert radio button menu item on the "Insert -> Form" menu
insertFormFieldDropDownMenuItem - insert drop down menuitem on the "Insert -> Form" menu
insertFormFieldPushButtonMenuItem - insert push button menu item on the "Insert -> Form" menu
insertFormFieldImageButtonMenuItem - insert image button menu item on the "Insert -> Form" menu
insertInsertImageMenuItem - insert image menu item on the "Insert" menu
insertInsertHyperlinkMenuItem - insert hyperlink menu item on the "Insert " menu
insertTableMainMenuItem - insert table menu item on the "Table" menu
insertTableRowMainMenuItem - insert table row menu item on the "Table" menu
insertTableColumnMainMenuItem - insert table column menu item on the "Table" menu
deleteTableCellsItem - delete table column menu item on the "Table" menu
selectTableMenuItem - select table menu item on the "Table" menu
selectTableColumnMenuItem - select table column menu item on the "Table" menu
selectTableRowMenuItem - select table row menu item on the "Table" menu
selectTableCellMenuItem - select table cell menu item on the "Table" menu
splitTableCellMenuItem - split table cell menu item on the "Table" menu
mergeTableCellMenuItem - merge table cell menu item on the "Table" menu
tablePropertiesMainMenuItem - table properties menu item on the "Table" menu
tableCellPropertiesMainMenuItem - table cell properties menu item on the "Table" menu
newWindowMenuItem - new window menu item on the "Window" menu
fontPropertiesMainMenuItem - font properties menu item on the "Format" menu
pagePropertiesMainMenuItem - page properties menu item on the "Format" menumenuChangeCase - the menu containing all submenus for changing the case.
upperCaseMenuItem - convert to upper case menu item
lowerCaseMenuItem - convert to lower case menu item
titleCaseMenuItem - convert to title case menu item
sentenceCaseMenuItem - convert to sentence case menu item
viewStatusBarMenuItem - view status bar menu item on the "View" menu
viewToolBarMenuItem - view tool bar menu item on the "View" menu - professional version
viewSourceEditorMenuItem - view source editor menu item on the "View" menu - professional version
viewPagePreviewMenuItem - view preview menu item on the "View" menu - professional version
aboutFileMenuItem - about menu item on the "Help" menu
setRemovedToolbarItems("fontUnderlineButton,fontItalicButton,alignRightButton,fontsList,...") - Indicates which toolbar items should be removed from the tool bars. This list contains comma separated names of the toolbar items contained within the editor's tool bars to be removed. This allows the full customization of the tool bars of the editor. The full list of the tool bar items is:
insertImageButton - the insert image toolbar button;
tableBtn - the insert table toolbar button;
undoButton - the undo toolbar button;
redoButton - the redo toolbar button;
insertHyperlinkButton - the insert hyperlink toolbar button;
increaseIndentButton - the increase indent toolbar button;
decreaseIndentButton - the decrease indent toolbar button;
fontSizeButton - the font properties button;
setForegroundButton - the font foreground toolbar button;
unorderedListButton - the unordered list toolbar button;
orderedListButton - the ordered list toolbar button;
newFileButton - the new file toolbar button;
openFileButton - the open file toolbar button;
saveFileButton - the save file button;
printFileButton - the print file button;
pasteButton - the paste toolbar button;
copyButton - the copy toolbar button;
cutButton - the cut toolbar button;
alignRightButton - the align right toolbar button;
alignCenterButton - the align center toolbar button;
alignLeftButton - the align left toolbar button;
fontUnderlineButton - the font underline toolbar button;fontStrikethroughButton - the strikethrough button on the toolbar.
fontItalicButton - the font italic toolbar button;
fontBoldButton - the font bold toolbar button;
copyFormattingButton - the copy formatting toolbar button;
fontsList - the fonts list toolbar combo box;
fontSizes - the font sizes toolbar combo box;
headingStyles - the headings toolbar combo box;insertTableButton - insert table toolbar button
insertTableRowButton - insert row toolbar button
insertTableColumnButton - insert column toolbar button
deleteTableCellsButton - delete table cells toolbar button
selectTableButton - select table toolbar button
selectTableColumnButton - select table column toolbar button
selectTableRowButton - select table row toolbar button
selectTableCellButton - select table cell toolbar button
splitTableCellButton - split table cell toolbar button
mergeTableCellButton - merge table cell toolbar button
tablePropertiesButton - table properties toolbar button
tableCellPropertiesButton - table cell properties toolbar buttonstyleClasses - the style classes toolbar combo boxshowParagraphsButton - the button for revealing paragraphs
fontBackgroundButton - font background (text highlight) button
insertEquationButton - the button for inserting mathematical equations through Sferyx EquationEditoralignJustifyButton - the button for align justify paragraphs
superscriptButton - the button for superscipt
subscriptButton - the button for subscript
insertSymbolButton- the button for inserting symbolstableToolbarSeparator- the separator between the table items
pasteToolbarSeparator- the separator between the pasting items
undoToolbarSeparator- the separator between the undo items
saveToolbarSeparator- the separator between save itemstableInsertItemsToolbarSeparator - the separator between the table insert items
tableSelectItemsToolbarSeparator - the separator between the table select itemsprintToolbarSeparator - the separator before the print item
fontToolbarSeparator - the separator between formatting items
fontStyleToolbarSeparator - the separator before the style combo
alignmentToolbarSeparator - the separator before the paragraph alignment items
listsToolbarSeparator- the separator before the list itemszoomoutTextButton - the text zoom out button
zoominTextButton - the text zoom in button
pdfExportButton - the PDF export toolbar button when enabledimageMapRectButton - the image map insert rectangle button
imageMapCircleButton - the image map insert circle button
imageMapPolyButton - the image map insert polygon buttonreplaceTextButton - replace text toolbar button
findTextButton - find text toolbar button
bordersToolbarButton - edit borders toolbar buttonincreaseFontSizeButton - the increase font size button
saveasDocxButton - save as MS docx file button on the toolbar
decreaseFontSizeButton - the decrease font size button
spellCheckerButton - the spellchecker button
spellCheckerAYTButton - the as-you-type spellchecker button
printPreviewButton - the print preview button
pageLayoutButton - the page layout button
openDocxButton - open MS docx file button on the toolbar
setRemovedMenus("menuTools, menuHelp,..") - Indicates which menus should be removed from the main menu bar. This list contains comma separated names of the menus contained within the editor's main menu bar to be removed. This allows the full customization of the menus inside the main menu bar. The full list of the menus is:
Main Menus:
menuFile - the File menu on the main menu bar - will remove the entire menu;
menuEdit - the Edit menu on the main menu bar - will remove the entire menu;
menuView - the View menu on the main menu bar - will remove the entire menu;
menuInsert - the Insert menu on the main menu bar - will remove the entire menu;
menuFormat - the Format menu on the main menu bar - will remove the entire menu;
menuTools - the Tools menu on the main menu bar - will remove the entire menu;
menuTable - the Table menu on the main menu bar - will remove the entire menu;
menuWindow - the Window menu on the main menu bar - will remove the entire menu;
menuHelp - the Help menu on the main menu bar - will remove the entire menu;
menuInsertTable - the Insert menu inside the Table main menu - will remove the entire menu;
menuSelectTable - the Select menu inside the Table main menu - will remove the entire menu;
menuPropertiesTable - the Properties menu inside the Table main menu - will remove the entire menu;
menuForm - the Form menu inside the Insert main menu - will remove the entire menu;
listPropertiesMenuItem - list properties popup menu item, appears when the cursor is placed over a list
insertTableRowMenuItem - insert table row popup menu item
insertTableCellMenuItem - insert table cell popup menu item
insertTableMenuItem - insert table row popup menu item
imagePropertiesMenuItem - image properties popup menu item, appears when there is an image selected
imageButtonFieldPropertiesMenuItem - image button properties popup menu item, appears when there is an image button selected
formPropertiesMenuItem - form button properties popup menu item, appears when there is a form
buttonFieldPropertiesMenuItem - button properties popup menu item, appears when there is a button selected
radioButtonFieldPropertiesMenuItem - radio button properties popup menu item, appears when there is a radio button selected
checkBoxFieldPropertiesMenuItem - check box properties popup menu item, appears when there is a check box selected
textFieldPropertiesMenuItem - text field properties popup menu item, appears when there is a text field selected
textAreaFieldPropertiesMenuItem - text area properties popup menu item, appears when there is a text area selected
selectFieldPropertiesMenuItem - select(list) field properties popup menu item, appears when there is a select field(list) selected
tablePropertiesMenuItem - table properties popup menu item, appears when there is a table at the cursor position
tableCellPropertiesMenuItem - table cell properties popup menu item, appears when there is a table at the cursor position
pagePropertiesMenuItem - page properties popup menu item
mergeItem - merge table cells properties popup menu item, appears when there is a table at the cursor position
splitItem - split table cell properties popup menu item, appears when there is a table at the cursor position
hyperlinkPropertiesPopupMenuItem - hyperlink properties popup menu item
fontPropertiesMenuItem - font properties popup menu item
objectPropertiesMenuItem - object properties popup menu item
paragraphPropertiesPopupMenuItem - paragraph properties popup menu item
copyItem - copy formatted text popup menu item
copyPlainTextMenuItem - copy plain text popup menu item
pasteItem - paste formatted text popup menu item
copyPopupMenuItem - copy popup menu item
pastePopupMenuItem - paste popup menu item
cutPopupMenuItem - cut popup menu item
boldPopupMenuItem - bold popup menu item
italicPopupMenuItem - italic popup menu item
underlinePopupMenuItem - underline popup menu item
alignLeftPopupMenuItem - align left popup menu item
alignCenterPopupMenuItem - align center popup menu item
alignRightPopupMenuItem - align right popup menu iteminsertParagraphPopupMenuItem - insert paragraph popup menu itemformattingPopupMenuSeparator - the sparator before the formatting items.
alignmentPopupMenuSeparator - the separator before the alignment items.
paragraphsPopupMenuSeparator - the separator before the paragraph properties items.
tablePopupMenuSeparator - the separator before the table properties items.
htmlEditor.setFormattingToolbarVisible(boolean visible) - Will show/hide the formatting toolbar - to be used when only one part of the toolbar needs to be disabled
htmlEditor.setShortcutToolbarVisible(boolean visible) - Will show/hide the shortcuts toolbar - to be used when only one part of the toolbar needs to be disabled.
Oracle Forms Integration
vString VarChar2(2000);
vString :=
:block3.TEXT_AREA := vString;
For complete manual on using the editor component with Oracle Forms please consult the Oracle Forms manual here
Licensing questions
Customization services
Customer support questions
Add-ons / Additional features