Sferyx JSyndrome HTML Generator Component Edition



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User Manual
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User Manual
Oracle Forms
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User Manual
Oracle Forms
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User Manual
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User Manual
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Limitations of the demo version

This demo version is not intended for development and deployment purposes. It is only intended to demonstrate all the functionalities contained within the Sferyx HTML Generator and Converter Component Edition. It displays evaluation messages not contained into the licensed version of the software and also expires in 30 days. For major details on how to obtain licensed version of the software please refer to the Sferyx online store and Licensing & Prices

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Sferyx HTML Generator Component Edition

Sferyx JSyndrome HTMLGenerator Component Edition :HTMLGeneratorDemo.zip
(ZIP file, ~ 0.9 MB)

Sferyx DOCX Generator Component Edition

Sferyx JSyndrome DOCXGenerator Component Edition :DOCXGeneratorDemo.zip
(ZIP file, ~ 0.9 MB)

Sferyx PDF Generator Component Edition

Sferyx JSyndrome PDFGenerator Component Edition : PDFGeneratorDemo.zip
(ZIP file, ~ 0.9 MB)

 What's new in version 23.0  >>

Sferyx JSyndrome HTML Editor Component Edition


Sferyx JSyndrome HTMLEditor Component Edition Pro :
(ZIP file, ~ 2.6 MB)

Sferyx Equation Editor Component Edition

Sferyx JSyndrome Equation Editor Component Edition : EquationEditorDemo.zip
(ZIP file, ~ 0.5 MB)

Sferyx JSyndrome HTML Editor Applet Edition

Sferyx JSyndrome HTMLEditor Applet Edition Pro : HTMLEditorAppletDemo.zip
(ZIP file, ~ 1.8 MB)

Sferyx JSyndrome HTML Editor Component Edition

On-line demo (Java Web Start)

 Customization Demo - Illustrates various customization options like hiding editor panels, menus, toolbar  items, changing icons, 
translating the UI etc.
Forced Span Generation  - Demonstrates the configuration of the  HTML output depending on the application requirements
Transparency  Example  - Demonstrates the use of multiple  transparent HTML editors within the same application
Internationalization Example  - Shows how the UI of the editor can be translated in any language using external UI file
Multiple Editors One Toolbar   - Demonstrates how to use multiple editors with one toolbar inside the same application
Flow Toolbar Layout Example  - Shows how to wrap the editor's toolbars inside a smaller area so all buttons can be visible
Single Line Paragraph Spacing - Shows how to configure the editor to generate MS Word like paragraphs during editing - this emulates Word behavior for the end users
External Style Sheet Example  - Shows how to load external style sheet to customize the default HTML elements appearance - any HTML element can be customized
 Read Only sections Example - Illustrates how to create Read-only sections inside the document - this is very useful for creating templates and documents with areas which should not be edited by the end users.
 Custom Browseable  Example - Shows how to implement custom browse dialogs for inserting hyperlinks, images, etc - this way custom data sources can be used for the external objects
 Various Listeners Example  - Demonstrates how to add different listeners to the editor in order to track the document changes, mouse events, key events etc.
 Referencing Elements Example   - Shows a convenient way for retrieving information about the DOM elements in a javascript - like style.

The sources for all examples are contained inside the downloadable demo


Sferyx JSyndrome HTML Editor Applet Edition

On-line demo (Applet)

HTML Editor Applet Professional   Open remote location Demo - Illustrates how to load easily remote content inside the editor.
HTML Editor Applet Professional  External Window Demo - Illustrates how to open the editor applet in an external window outside the browser window.
HTML Editor Applet Professional Flow Toolbar Layout Demo - Shows how to wrap the editor's toolbars inside a smaller area so all buttons can be visible
HTML Editor Applet Professional Forced Span Generation Demo - Demonstrates the configuration of the  HTML output depending on the application requirements
HTML Editor Applet Professional  Internationalization Demo  - Shows how the UI of the editor can be translated in any language using external UI file
HTML Editor Applet Professional Single Paragraph Spacing - Shows how to configure the editor to generate MS Word like paragraphs during editing - this emulates Word behavior for the end users
HTML Editor Applet Professional  Read Only Sections - Illustrates how to create Read-only sections inside the document - this is very useful for creating templates and documents with areas which should not be edited by the end users.

The sources for all examples are contained inside the downloadable demo


Installation and startup

For running the JSyndrome HTML Generator Component Edition is required that your have a JRE which is compatible with JDK/JRE 1.3 / 1.4 /1.5 / 1.6 / 1.7/ 1.8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 or higher. It could be necessary the installation of Java  from http://www.java.com. Once installed, it is sufficient to run the JAR file from the command line to convert files or to embed it in your software as described in the examples.



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